Cueva del Indio


La Cueva del Indio is said to contain the largest number of petroglyphs found along the coastal zone. In 1992, the Planning Board of Puerto Rico designated Cueva del Indio as a Natural Reserve. Since then, the cave is managed by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER). They try to maintain it for conservation purposes. Unfortunately, there has been some vandalism of these beautiful historical carvings. “Rafe” decided he needed to make his mark here along with the Taino carvings. But, thankfully, even after all these years, the petroglyphs had withstood the natural and human forces, and are still around today for us to enjoy.

There are just wonderful views in this area. There are huge cliffs, arches, caves and even a natural bridge. There were big waves that day, so it was just beautiful.The Taino Indians probably held tribal meetings at this locations centuries before the arrival of the Spanish invaders in 1493. Some say the petroglyphs have been made during ceremonial activities, but the truth is that we can’t know any of this for sure. What we do know however is, that those carvings have have survived the rough weather and water at the coast and are still there for us to enjoy and to feel the special atmosphere of being able to visit such a mystical place.

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